Market Your Business with Postcards
Getting the word out about your business, means market you business with product or service does not have to be costly. Some of the old-fashioned marketing methods work very well, such as the proven tool of printing postcards. Postcard marketing takes advantage of its simplicity and easy to read message. Below are some reasons why you should use postcards to market your business.
Grab Their Attention Immediately
Using bold colors and legible and large fonts can help grab the recipient’s attention immediately, allowing you to deliver your message to a wider audience. Including a large and attractive single photograph can also grab their attention and can address their need for your services or products.. A good image can stir emotions quickly. While the picture gets their attention, your brief message explains all they need to know about why they should contact you.
The Messages Gets Read
One of the reasons postcards work so well is because people understand your message and see it immediately. There is no need to open an envelope, or having to flip through several pages find your message. It is all right there in front of them – instantly – and they can read it quickly.
Include Coupons to Increase Sales

Postcards are large enough allowing you to include a special coupon in the design that will help get the recipients moving on your offer. Their size enables your customers to place your postcard or coupon someplace where they can see it often or on the refrigerator. Read more advantages of using postcards from a previous blog.
Test Your Market
Because of the low cost, postcards can be used to test new products, test a new area for responses, or even to test a new price range on a new or upgraded product. If you track the results of each campaign, you can seek to improve it each time, making your campaigns even more effective.
You can also add value to your postcard by putting something of value on it that will cause your customers to want to keep it. This enables your business to be seen over and over again for months and possibly even for years.
Here are the top 5 ways to market your business with postcards:
1. Web traffic
Postcard-to-website marketing has recently been shown to be the single most effective direct-marketing technique in the nation. In fact, online marketing techniques often pale in comparison to the response achieved by postcard marketing. While online marketing can produce volume, postcard marketing produces targeted visitors that already want what you’re selling. Send a postcard with a great offer and a special URL to visit or a special coupon code to use to redeem the offer. By doing so, you’re not only able to drive response, you’re able to track it as well.
2. Ask for referrals
Ask your current customers for referrals to others who would benefit from your products and services. In return, you can offer a special discount. Many companies extend a discount to both the referring person and the new lead. Word of mouth is by far the best marketing method in existence: It cannot truly be bought or sold, and people trust the opinions of friends and family.
3. Invitations
Promote in-store sales and other events with postcards. Include coupons redeemable on special event dates so you can track response. Treat your prospects as VIPs to get attention quickly, and make sure they know when, where and how to redeem your offer.
4. Thank-you cards
A quick thank-you postcard is one of the best ways to encourage repeat business. Your customers want to feel valued and that their business is appreciated, and postcards mailings are a special way to express this. For even more impact, include a VIP customer coupon on your postcard, which will also help you track the effectiveness of your thank-you campaign.
5. Newsletter
Companies can always benefit from publishing newsletters for their customers, but they don’t always have enough news or the time to create content to fill an entire four-page standard newsletter. Enter the newsletter postcard, or newscard, which lets you feature two or three small items of importance each month. Print one feature on the back, or address side, of your postcard and two others on the front for maximum impact.
Postcards are powerful promotional tools that are also economical to print and mail. Check out the instant price widget at PsPrint for real-time postcard printing prices. If you have a highly targeted mailing list, an excellent offer and a strong call to action, your postcard marketing efforts will be handsomely rewarded.
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